Saturday, April 2, 2011

Java Fern

I bought a big clump of Java Fern from a local fish store about 3 months ago, and separated it into 3 separate plants (as they grow bigger, they produce plantlets with individual root systems that you can remove from the main plant and attach somewhere else).

I love looking at the pictures of Java Fern attached to driftwood, especially magnificently large displays.

Java Fern are extremely hardy and virtually impossible to kill. They are an excellent beginner's plant as they can survive in many water conditions, temperatures, and low light.

I wrapped my Java Ferns around three large stones, hoping they'd attach their roots soon...but so far it's been 3 months and the roots still haven't stuck. I only see one small root tentatively clutching at the rock...the theory is that once all the roots have stuck onto the rock/wood almost like glue, you can remove the cotton thread binding the two together....or just leave the thread to disintegrate by itself...

My Java Ferns have been growing slowly but steadily...Not as quickly as I'd hoped, but still, they're making plantlets. I also got really excited when I saw a strand of Java Moss accidentally stick onto a piece of my driftwood. Hopefully I can get more of it to stick. It makes the scenery look much more natural.

Thanks to all my readers out there!! According to my stats, there are readers from all over the world!! Who'd have guessed? =) Leave me a comment...any day now...


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