Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today I adopted 8 fish and the 40 gallon tank etc. they came with. It was a good deal but the tank is extremely, extremely dirty. It housed a 10 inch sailfin pleco, 2 cherry barbs, 1 giant red gourami, 3 panda cory catfish and a 6 inch red tail black shark. The poor fish were swimming in muddy filth and I thought it'd be a good idea to rescue them. However, when I arrived to pick them up, I was told that the heater shattered! The tank is now sitting in my room, so dirty and mucky that I don't want it anymore. The edges were resealed poorly with sloppy silicone and there's rotting debris floating everywhere.

The filter is loud and doesn't seem to be working very well. I have managed to relocate the panda cories to my 10 gallon betta tank (where my false julii cories are);; I put the big red "dwarf" gourami (6 inches big, almost like a juvenile oscar) in my 29 gallon tank with my honey gouramis, guppies etc. and I put the shark & the 2 barbs in my temporary hospital tank. Lastly, I kept the massive pleco in the 40 gallon tank all by himself.

The shark is very stressed and his fins are torn, possibly by the barbs? The pleco was injured when I tried to catch him in my big net. He's almost 25 cm long so as you can imagine, it was quite difficult to scoop him up without him thrashing and resisting the whole time. He is now staying in one spot and barely moving...but then again plecos naturally don't move a lot. I really do hope this group of hardy fish will survive....I mean they managed to live in a filthy tank for so long.......

The panda cories are by far the least stressed. They are extremely active and are moving around like crazy!! I know the shark is very very weak though because she keeps gasping for breath and barely moves anymore. (Earlier she was thrashing!)

I feel sorry for these poor fish...but I'm trying to find the shark and pleco and barbs a good they cannot get along with my other fish - they are massive and territorial and aggressive.


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