Monday, March 7, 2011

List of Freshwater Community Tropical Fish Part II

The list continued...I didn't want an overly long post. But I guess it's unavoidable since I blab on forever...

1. Endler's Livebearers

Compatibility: **** (Don't stock with large fish that may eat them or Guppies because they will breed with Guppies, producing weird hybrids)

Difficulty: Easy

2. Marbled Hatchetfish

Compatibility: *** (Requires mature aquarium, kept in groups of 6+, may not get along with other fish depending on personality, NO BIG/AGGRESSIVE FISH)

Difficulty: Medium (Susceptible to disease as many are wild-caught)

3. Silver Dollar

Compatibility: **** (Best kept with large fish, in a large tank; will get to be quite large (6 inches +) and need space to "dither"

Difficulty: Easy

4. Barbs (Rosy, Cherry, Black Ruby)

Compatibility: **** (Most Barbs are peaceful with the exception of Tiger Barbs and Tinfoil Barbs. Can be mixed with small-medium sized fish. Very hardy.

Difficulty: Easy

5. Rasboras

Compatibility: **** (No big/aggressive fish. Groups of 6+. Very peaceful. )

Difficulty: Medium

6. Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish

Compatibility: **** (small enough to mix with most fish, max size: 2.5in. Peaceful.)

Difficulty: Medium

7. Bristlenose Pleco

Compatibility: ****** (Peaceful bottom dweller. Max 7 inches. Can be kept with small-large fish; gentle-aggressive fish)

Difficulty: Medium (Must be kept in large-ish tank)

8. Glass Catfish

Compatibility: *** (Peaceful, quiet tank mates is a must. )

Difficulty: Hard (Needs low light, mature tank, gentle current, good water parameters. Very delicate and sensitive.)

9. Larger Gouramis (Pearl, Moonlight, Three-Spot, Kissing)

Compatibility: **** (Will get territorial/semi-aggressive if too many are kept in a small tank. )

Difficulty: Easy (But needs a large aquarium as they can get 6 inches +)

10. Loaches (Clown, Coolie)

Compatibility: *** (Peaceful but need to be get in a group 6+)

Difficulty: Medium (Need LARGE TANKS. LARGE. They grow 10 inches +. Sensitive to water conditions)

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