Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fish Nutrition & Feeding

If you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty are some fishy nutrition facts and some interesting food choices for your aquarium fish!

A month ago I wrote up a list of possible food choices for your fishy friends. Here's a recap of the aforementioned dietary selections along with a few new options.

- Mussels, raw beef heart, daphnia, bloodworms, white worms, small insects
- Glass worms, brine shrimp, fish fry, plankton, earthworms, snails
- Basil (herb), Angelica (herb), Paprika peppers, Carrots,
-Wheat bran, spinach, nettle, borage, spirulina algae, seaweed, soybeans
- Zucchini, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, fine leaved plants, wood (for catfish)


- Feed only a small amount 2-3x daily.
- Feed only the amount that can be consumed within 2 minutes
- Distribute food evening across water surface to ensure all fish can eat their share
- Do not feed anything to fish 1-2x a week to allow them to "fast" and get rid of waste
- Feed a variety of different foods to ensure maximum health and brilliant colors
- Do not feed expired or very old food because it most likely will have no nutrients left.
- Do not keep food in clear plastic bags because when food comes in contact with light, air, water, the vitamins, minerals and nutrients are destroyed.
- Use a gravel vacuum to suck up uneaten food at the bottom

*** Nutrition Chart ***

Vitamin A: benefits vision, growth, protects slime coat, increases fertility// deficiency could result in bleeding eyes or ulcers

Vitamin B1: essential for nervous system functioning // deficiency could result in odd swimming patterns and brain damage

Vitamin B2: digestion, muscle growth, protects slime coat// deficiency could result in ulcers and nervous sytem problems

Vitamin B5: enzyme synthesis //deficiency = gill damage

Vitamin B6: nervous system functioning

Vitamin B12: digestion, red blood cells // deficiency = anemia, growth problems

Vitamin C: immune system, bone growth, body growth

Vitamin D3: regulates calcium & phosphorus, skeletal growth

Vitamin E: fertility hormones, liver functioning

Vitamin H: growth hormones

Vitamin K: heals injuries

Choline: digests fat

Based on the SERA GUIDE "How to Feed your Tropical Fish Naturally"

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