Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stocking Ideas

......I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up setting up more tanks. It's quite rewarding and really addictive! My poor parents would have a fit over the electricity bill though...But in my imagination, if I could buy more tanks, these might be some of the setups I'd choose:

*The larger the tank, the easier it is to maintain. Remember that! Try cleaning the gravel in a small 10G tank and you'll know what I mean. Before you even clean half the tank, 50% of the water is already gone!! Water chemistry changes, temperature changes....etc. stress your fish!*

Anyways. My dream setups, given that I could have unlimited space, energy, resources, power, money etc...*ahhhhhh* Don't laugh at my naive compilations. I'm a beginner, remember that! My stocking ideas are probably amateur-ish...but the whole point of this exercise is to have fun - so here goes!

1. 40G Long.
- 12 harlequin rasboras (~12 inches)
-12 neon tetras (~12 inches)
- 6 rummynose tetras (~6 inches)
- 6 spotted cory cats (~12 inches)
- 10 Ghost shrimp
- 4 Honey Gouramis (~10 inches)

2. 40G: Cichlid Tank

- 2 Rams (breeding pair) (~8inches)
- 6 Kribensis (24 inches)
- 2 Clown loaches (~12 inches)

3: 40 G tall
- 2 Angelfish (~14 inches)
- 1 Golden Nugget Pleco (~4 inches)
- 6 Steel Blue Killifish (~18inches)
- 6 Pygmy cory cats (~9 inches?)

4. 29 G Betta Tank + Planted

- 1 Blue Half-Moon male Betta (~3 inches)
- 6 Oto catfish (~12inches)
-10 cardinal tetras (~15 inches)
- 15 Cherry shrimps

5. 50G: Planted + Tetra Tank

-6 Bleeding Heart Tetras (18inches)
-10 Serpae Tetras (15 inches)
-6 Lemon Tetras (9 inches)
-6 Neon Tetras (9 inches)
-10 Amano shrimp

6. 10 G

- 3 African Dwarf Frogs (6 inches)
- 5 Cherry Shrimp
- 1 Male Betta fish (3 inches)

7. 10 G

- 5 female betta fish (15 inches)
- 7 cherry shrimp

8. 60 G: Dither Fish Tank

- 4 Silver Dollars (24 inches)
- 10 Pearl Danios (20inches)
- 5 Coolie Loaches (~20inches)
- 1 Red-tailed Black Shark (~6 inches)

9. 40 G - Barbs Tank - Planted

- 6 Rosy Barbs (12 inches)
- 4 Black Ruby Barbs (10 inches)
- 4 Cherry Barbs (10 inches)
- 2 Siamese Algae Eaters (8 inches)
- 10 Amano Shrimp

10. 80 G

- 3 Rosy-Line Sharks (~18 inches)
- 6 Silver Hatchetfish (15inches)
- 10 Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish (25 inches)
- 2 Kissing Gourami (12 inches)
- 2 Bristlenose Plecos (12 inches)
- 3 Pictus Catfish (15 inches)

11. 29 G

5 Glass Catfish (~15 inches)
5 Lyretail Mollies (~15 inches)
10 Ghost Shrimp
2 Oto catfish

12. 60 G

12 Adolf's Cory Cats (24 inches)
10 Black Phantom Tetras ( 2o inches)
10 Red-Eye Tetras (2o inches)
2 Dwarf Cichlids (4 inches)

13. 45 G

6 Paradise Fish (28 inches)
2 Three Spot Gourami (10 inches)
6 Tiger Barbs (15 inches)
6 Bumblebee Goby (6 inches)

14. 50 G Livebearers

6 Sailfin Mollies (18 inches)
6 Dalmation Mollies (18 inches)
6 Swordtails (24 inches)
4 Upside-Down catfish (12 inches)

15. 45 G Livebearers

15 Fancy Guppies (30 inches)
7 Peach Platys (14 inches)
6 Panda Cory Cats ( 12 inches)

16. 90 G Oscars

4 Red Oscars (56 inches)
1 Sailfin Pleco (15 inches)
4 Tinfoil Barbs (40 inches)

17. 80 G Discus Tank

5 Discus (40 inches)
12 Peppered Cory Cats (36 inches)
20 Neon Tetras (30 inches)

18. 70 G

3 Albino Severums (30 inches)
6 Jewel Cichlids (25 inches)
1 Bristlenose Pleco (6 inches)

19. 15 G

2 Dwarf Gourami (5 inches)
15 Endler's Livebearers (15 inches)
7 Cherry Shrimp

20. 1 G (Last one!)

NOTHING. Nothing will thrive in a 1 gallon tank other than algae, dust, and bacteria. Especially if it's unfiltered and unheated. Don't even bother trying.

Hope you enjoyed this ridiculously long post! More to come! Hopefully I'll update on a weekly basis. =)

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