Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quick Overview of Fish Reproduction

Requirements: A healthy male and a female fish. Or a male and several female fish..(hehe)

These are how various fish reproduce:

1. Egg-Scatterers: Eggs are tossed about everywhere by the female. The lucky ones hidden safe from view in plants and what not will hatch and survive. The unlucky ones become dinner for the mother/other fish. Example: Characins

2. Egg-Buriers: Eggs get buried in mud or soil, awaiting the appropriate time to hatch...Example: Killifish

3. Egg-Deposits: Parents carefully place their eggs in a secret spot and guard it, nurturing their fry. Example: Catfish, Cichlids

4. Bubble-nest Builders: Bubble nests are blown. Once eggs are released, they are placed into these "nests" until they hatch. Bubble nests defended by parents until fry are hatched and ready to brave it on their own. Example: Betta fish, Gouramis

5. Mouth-Brooders: Eggs are kept in mommy's mouth until they hatch. Even after fry are swimming about, the parents may still snatch them up and relocate them to a safer place. It's quite cute actually because for a second you think the parents ate the fry...but then you see them gingerly drop the little babies out again. Example: Cichlids

6. Livebearers: The eggs are fertilized internally. As a result, the fry that drop out are free swimming and ready to go. Lots of livebearers eat the weaker babies. (Population control I s'ppose...crunchy snack for hungry momma after labor) (Example: Mollies, Platy, Guppy, Endler's Livebearers)

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